Friday, September 30, 2016

Confirmed! Bruno Mars' Third Album To Be Released before Year's End!

Bruno's Bassist

Jamareo Artis Tells All! 

What up, Hooligans?

Bruno's biggest fan here, with some exciting news from !

Well, we all know that Bruno's been hard at work on his third album.  And (if we're counting from when Bruno was on Ellen announcing that he wanted to get started on his "third record") it's been almost 2 years now.

Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson on Ellen

And now, the question on every hooligan's mind is "When, Bruno, WHEN?".

The truth is, Bruno's music is so funking fantastic that we've never had the thought, "I wonder when Bruno will write a new album"; but, in true fickle-fan-fashion, all it took was the rumor of just that; and suddenly, we're all begging him to "hurry up and finish it, already!  We want to hear your new music, Bruno!"

To be fair, we, the fans, can't be blamed for that emotion - it's not our fault that every song that Bruno comes near kicks major music @$$!  We just can't believe that there are, at least, "seven great new songs" out there and we can't wait to hear them, that's all!

Well, according to Bruno's Bad-ass Bassist Jamareo Artis, We won't have to wait much longer ...

Jamareo Artis

In an article by bassplayer.comArtis was quoted as saying,
 "We've been working on it [Bruno's 3rd Album] for about a year, ... It's gonna have a new sound, and so far the material is very groove-oriented. It'll be out sometime this year"
Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!  So excited!  I mean, "excited" really doesn't even begin to cover it!  I can't WAIT!!